PACFA’s Mental Health Practitioner: Join the queue but no date in sight

Mental Health Practitioners are a specialisation in PACFA for therapists trained to meet the PACFA’s Mental Health Competencies. It is a special category for clinical members who work with clients with mental illness and may provide additional eligibility for counsellors applying for jobs to work with this population. Mental Health Practitioners have their own competencies listing and are also on the Australian Register of Counsellors & Psychotherapists.

On the 4 Jul 2023, I applied to become a mental health practitioner as this was required to be included as an approved provider for a government service. PACFA responded, saying it was under review. At the date of writing this, 18 months later, PACFA’s Mental Health Practitioner’s page still notes “Mental Health Practitioner applications are currently on hold.” I am glad I have other income sources. However, it is problematic that this peak body that promoted this to employers and its own members appears to have indefinitely blocked new applicants from accessing these opportunities, and has provided no information why it is currently not available, or what waiting timeframe to expect.

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